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6280 Fluorimeter

Cat no: 628 001

Supplier: Bibby Scientific
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• High quality optics: pulsed xenon lamp and Total Energy Transfer (TET)
• Intelligent Filter Modules ensure correct filters are fitted for selected method
• Intuitive programming allows fast program creation
• Raw fluorescence or concentration values options
• Standard curve and kinetic functions
• Heated sample holder and sipper pump accessories
• Compatible with DataWay PC software

Jenway offers three fluorimeter models to cover a wide range of applications and fluorscence measurements. The 6280 fluorimeter model is ideal for the most sensitive determinations with emission wavelengths up to 650nm. When higher emission wavelengths are required the 6285 fluorimeter with its red-enhanced detector is the unit of choice. For less sensitive applications and a broader wavelength range up to 1100nm the low cost 6270 fluorimeter unit is more

With press-to-read operation and Total Energy Transfer (TET) technology the output of the high-energy xenon lamp is maximised and its expected life extended so that it should never need replacing within the normal lifetime of the unit. The high quality optics are complemented by the Intelligent Filter Modules (IFM) that are identified by the unit, generating error messages should the wrong filters be fitted or their positions be incorrect.

Each fluorimeter model offers intuitive operation with a user interface based on logical menus that can be navigated from the simple keypad. Up to 20 methods can be created without restriction and saved for future use. They can also be locked against accidental change by password entry. The permanent time and date tag on every stored reading supports Good Laboratory Practice, while calibration reminders and operator identity can also be entered to support conformance and traceability of results.

All fluorimeter models are powered from an external, universal mains adapter suitable for use from 90V to 230V, while the 12V DC input enables use in vehicles or from suitable battery packs.

Catalogue number: 628 001
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