Laboratory for Microscope Demonstration and Workshops Located in TokyoWetzlar, Germany. Leica Microsystems opens an Experience Lab in the headquarters of the Japanese office in Tokyo, Japan. The laboratory is dedicated to product demonstrations of Leica microscope systems and workshops. Additionally, it serves as a showroom for microscope users who wish to get to know the instruments and accessories like cameras, illumination and software. Users are free to bring their own samples to observe with the systems and can also take advantage of a sample preparation service for industrial samples to be observed and analyzed then and there.
"We experience a strong demand from users who want to try out our instruments and see the performance with their own eyes. The Experience Lab is a fantastic opportunity for users to look at a broad range of microscope systems, use them and find out what suits their applications best," says Takashi Ueno, President of Leica Microsystems KK in Tokyo, Japan. "Through actual observation and participation, they experience the image quality, easy operability and intelligent features of our instruments. Our application specialists are present to answer questions, give advice, and train people to use the imaging systems."
"Our Tokyo Experience Lab strengthens Leica Microsystems' presence and customer focus in the Japanese market. It brings our instruments closer to users and customers and is a way how we can make our microscope systems and services more tangible to interested parties," adds Peter van den Broek, President of Leica Microsystems GmbH in Wetzlar, Germany. "In this lab, we will be able to present a wide range of systems. This gives users a better overview of how they benefit from our instruments and what exactly they need to achieve their goals."
The Experience Lab is equipped with microscope systems for industrial, clinical and life science applications. It is located in the Japanese office of Leica Microsystems in 1F, 1-29-9 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo.
This link leads you to the website of the Experience Lab (in Japanese):