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New CALEX® Cap is Quick, Clean and Consistent

New CALEX® Cap is Quick, Clean and Consistent

Supplier: Alpha Laboratories 28/10/2014


Faecal Calprotectin Sample Collection and Extraction Made Easy
Users of the BÜHLMANN range of Faecal Calprotectin Assays can now improve efficiency and laboratory workflow with the unique, new, CALEX® Cap sample collection and extraction device.

Available from Alpha Laboratories Ltd, CALEX Cap eliminates the need for laborious, messy and variable weighing of faecal samples. There is no need for pipetting or decanting as the design also permits loading of the primary tube directly onto ELISA robots.

With the BÜHLMANN CALEX Cap device, users can collect a sample of stool material without the need to manipulate it by hand. The grooved dosing tip of the device together with the presentation funnel ensures a precise amount of faecal sample is delivered into the pre-aliquoted extraction solution.
CALEX Cap simultaneously homogenises the sample and provides optimal dilution for maximum efficiency of calprotectin extraction, ready for direct and quantitative measurement with BÜHLMANN faecal test systems.

The CALEX Cap calprotectin extract has a three day stability at room temperature, enabling batching of samples as required, to suit the laboratory routine. It demonstrates a very high correlation with the gold standard weighing extraction method.

Calprotectin is a diagnostic biomarker excreted in the faeces that is used to differentiate between Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). It is also used to monitor known IBD patients. BÜHLMANN manufactures the high throughput fCAL™ ELISA plus the Quantum Blue test system for medium throughput and Point-of-Care testing.

Find out more about Faecal Calprotectin Testing and CALEX Cap Extraction Device at www.calprotectin.co.uk
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