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Specially Formulated Cleaning Concentrates for Tanks, Instruments, Labware, Mixers and Membranes

Specially Formulated Cleaning Concentrates for Tanks, Instruments, Labware, Mixers and Membranes

Supplier: International Products Corporation 30/09/2015


Burlington, New Jersey, USA: International Products Corporation (IPC) has a full line of powerful cleaning products ideal for use in the pharmaceutical, medical device, laboratory, food and beverage, cosmetic, water recycling, wastewater, textile and chemical industries. IPC’s free-rinsing precision concentrated cleaners are effective in a wide variety of cleaning applications. An economical 1-2% concentration in water is effective for most applications. Use on metals, ceramics, plastics, filter membranes, glassware and textiles.

IPC cleaners are safe for personnel, materials and equipment, and the environment, yet they are powerful enough to remove the most difficult soils. The cleaners meet the USDA guidelines for incidental contact with food-processing equipment, and are available in a wide range of sizes. They are registered with NSF as category A1 cleaners. The detergents clean delicate surfaces and rinse completely.

IPC cleaner advantages:
• Fast, effective soil removal
• Green chemistry – low VOCs, solvent free, no phosphates, non-corrosive, no CFCs
• Free samples available for initial trial
• Highly concentrated liquids make them economical and easy-to-use
• Health and safety test results are available on all products
• Products available worldwide
• Sample validation methods available
• Free technical assistance and material compatibility testing

IPC’s line of aqueous cleaners includes: Micro-90®, a multipurpose alkaline cleaner; Micro® Green Clean, a biodegradable cleaner for use in a wide range of cleaning applications; Micro® A07, a citric acid cleaner for removing scale, mineral deposits and inorganic soils; LF2100®, a low-foaming cleaner for automatic washers; Surface-Cleanse/930®, a nonionic detergent for cleaning electronic devices and delicate metals; Zymit® Low-Foam, a synergistic dual-enzyme cleaner for removing starches, gelatin and proteins; Zymit® Pro, a blend of protease enzymes that breaks down soils then washes them away.

Please contact us to help you decide which formula will best serve your needs. Free sample kits and technical assistance are available by phone: 609-386-8770, by email: sample@ipcol.com, or visit our website at http://www.ipcol.com.
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