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Fully Automated Drying or Concentration of Very Large Volumes
Fully Automated Drying or Concentration of Very Large Volumes
Genevac Ltd.

Genevac has announced the launch of the ROCKET 4D – a fully automated system for automatic drying or concentration of very large volumes (a few to 100 litres) in one operation with no user interaction. Simply load your sample, select a method, press start, and walk away – the system will do the rest.Compact in size the ROCKET 4D allows you to dry or concentrate your samples with complete confidence as it uses proprietary vacuum technology to suppress solvent...
Drying of Oil, Fuel and Fat Samples
Drying of Oil, Fuel and Fat Samples
Genevac Ltd.

Genevac, world leaders in solvent removal technology, has over 20 year’s experience of supplying evaporators for removal of solvents from oil, fat and fuel samples.Oils, fats and fuels are normally isolated from natural sources using extraction or separation techniques that present the final sample in a solution of organic solvent. Before analysis such samples must be dried or concentrated.Whether extracting and recovering additives, evaluating lipid content of...
Safe Evaporation of Acids and Organic Solvents
Safe Evaporation of Acids and Organic Solvents
Genevac Ltd.

Genevac evaporators are robust systems designed to be resistant to the most common solvents and acids used within the chemistry laboratory, including Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA), Dichloromethane (DCM), and Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO).However a wide range of applications in the Pharmaceutical, Speciality / Fine Chemical, Petrochemical, Cosmetic, Electronic and Nuclear industries use acid chlorides and stronger mineral acids for routine synthesis and experimentation.For...
Microsite Dedicated to Benchtop Evaporation
Microsite Dedicated to Benchtop Evaporation
Genevac Ltd.

Genevac has created a web microsite dedicated to providing visitors with easy access to comprehensive background information relating to its flagship EZ-2 Series of compact, benchtop personal evaporators.Visitors to www.evaporatorinfo.com/info9_e.htm ( /info9_de.htm in German, /info9_fr.htm in French and /info9_sp.htm in Spanish) are able to download a EZ-2 technical brochure, watch a product video or download applications reports on safe removal of strong acids, screening...
Post Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) Sample Preparation
Post Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) Sample Preparation
Genevac Ltd.

The Genevac Flip-Flop system is an innovative tool designed to facilitate post ASE® concentration and preparation of samples. Samples are collected in the special Flip-Flop tube, the funnel and vial are fitted, the tube flipped over and second cap removed.Your ASE sample can now be concentrated directly into a GC autosampler vial using a Genevac ROCKET Evaporator. The Genevac ROCKET Evaporator enables rapid concentration or evaporation of up to 18 Dionex ASE® vials...
Safe and Rapid Biological Sample Concentration
Safe and Rapid Biological Sample Concentration
Genevac Ltd.

For laboratories looking for a safe, rapid and affordable sample concentrator for biological samples - Genevac reports on the significant operational benefits of their miVac sample concentrator compared to 'blowdown' evaporation systems.Removing solvent by blowing inert gas into open sample vessels, blowdown evaporators often have to operate at 50°C or more to concentrate samples in a relatively short space of time. For many laboratories dissolution of samples in low...
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