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miRNeasy Serum/Plasma Kit (50)

Cat no: 217184

Supplier: Qiagen
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miRNeasy Serum/Plasma Kit. For purification of cell-free total RNA, including miRNA, from animal and human plasma and serum. Kit contents: Qiagen miRNeasy Serum/Plasma Kit, 50 preps, Minimal Elution Volume, Easy, Robust Procedures, For Purification of Cell-free Total RNA, Including miRNA, from Animal and Human Plasma and Serum, Ideal for Biomarker Discovery, Northern Blot Analysis, Quantitative, Real-time RT-PCR using the miScript PCR System, Microarray Analysis, Includes 50 RNeasy minElute Spin Columns, Collection Tubes (1.5 and 2mL), QIAzol Lysis Reagent, Ce_miR-39_1 miScript Primer Assay, RNase-free Reagents and Buffers. Benefits: Internal control available for normalization. Minimal elution volume. High-purity RNA suitable for all downstream applications. Easy, robust procedures. Automatable protocol
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