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Elvatech, Ltd.

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Elvatech Ltd. (Kiev, Ukraine) is an R&D enterprise specializing in the production of a range of EDXRF spectrometers.

Elvatech Ltd. was established in 1991 and since its foundation the company was engaged in the design and manufacture of electronic, vacuum and spectrometric equipment, automated data collection and processing systems and analytical software.

In 1998 Elvatech became one of the first companies in the world to start series production of benchtop XRF spectrometers based on the use of Si-PIN Diode detectors. Since then ElvaX benchtops have been operated all over the world in all the main XRF applications such as metallurgy, casting, srap yards, jewelry etc.

In 2011 Elvatech launched a new handheld XRF analyzer ElvaX ProSpector, which employs the most recent developments in XRF analysis. Elvatech Ltd. always provides leading XRF solutions where businesses need them, constantly expanding the range of XRF applications.

ElvaX Light SDD Spectrometer
ElvaX Light SDD Spectrometer
Elvatech, Ltd.

ElvaX Light SDDSpectrometeris a desktop energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) analyzer with extended element range from Na (Z=11) to U (Z=92). The...

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