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Ionimed Analytik

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Ionimed provides ultra-sensitive VOC trace gas analyzers, based on world’s leading IONICON PTR-technology. PTR-MS (Proton Transfer Reaction – Mass Spectrometry) technology enables real-time measurement of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and several inorganic compounds. Our PTR-QMS series is setting the industry's benchmark in sensitivity with a market-leading detection limit of < 1 pptv. Our PTR-TOFMS series has a very high mass resolution which allows for peak separation and idenfication of many substances. Our portfolio also contains advanced trace gas calibration solutions for calibration of our PTR-MS systems and other trace gas analyzers.

We offer specialized solutions for medical breath gas analysis and process monitoring for biotechnology and the petrochemical industry. Other application areas include VOC monitoring and quantification in environmental research, atmospheric chemistry, emissions, food, flavor & fragrance, and illicit substances detection.

PTR-QMS 300 Trace Gas Analyzer
PTR-QMS 300 Trace Gas Analyzer
Ionimed Analytik

The new Ionicon PTR-QMS 300 is a trace-gas analyzer for real-time monitoring and quantification of volatile organic and inorganic compounds. Robust, fast,...

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