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Quality Environmental Containers

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We are a leading global provider of pre-cleaned certified sample containers meeting US EPA specifications.

A UCMR3 provider. Full line of EPA VOA vials, clear & amber lab grade glassware, UltraLab premium plasticware, LabGrade HDPE, PP, PET plastics. Method 5035 soil sampling kits & tools, En Core, Power Stop w/ Easy Draw & Terra Core samplers. Full line of Chromatography vials, closures & septa, headspace vials & closures. Custom-Preserved™ containers, vials, preservatives. Also gas sampling bags & fittings, sterile coliform bottles, as well as caps, PTFE liners, septa & much more.

QEC consistently delivers reliable products backed by exceptional customer service. Please visit our website at http://www.qecusa.com.

UltraLab Premium Plasticware
UltraLab Premium Plasticware
Quality Environmental Containers

QEC's line of premium HDPE and Polypropylene (PP) containers.When demanding conditions require plasticware that's a notch or two above lab grade, QEC's...

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