QIAGEN Protease . For protease digestion during DNA and RNA preparation. Kit contents: Qiagen Protease, 30U, 45 mAU/mg Protein Activity, Lyophilized Powder...
QIAcube Accessories. For automated purification of DNA, RNA, or proteins on the
ipsogen BCR-ABL1 mbcr Kit. For quantitative detection of BCR-ABL mbcr e1a2 transcripts using real-time PCR. Kit contents: For 24 reactions: ABL Control Gene...
QIAsymphony PAXgene Blood RNA Kit. For automated purification of intracellular RNA (including miRNAs)
MagAttract Suspension G. For use with the BioSprint 96. Kit contents: 13 ml MagAttract Suspension G.
Autopure LS Accessories. For automated purification of archive-quality DNA from large-volume samples. Kit contents: 500 ml DNA Hydration Solution.
FastLane Cell Multiplex Kits. For multiplex, real-time one-step RT-PCR analysis from cultured cells without RNA purification. Kit contents: Qiagen FastLane...
QIAsymphony SP/AS Accessories. For use with the QIAsymphony SP/AS instruments. Kit contents: Disposable Filter-Tips, racked. (8 x 128). For use with the...
MinElute Reaction Cleanup Kit. For cleanup of up to 5 micro g DNA (70 bp to 4 kb) from enzymatic reactions. Kit contents: Qiagen minElute Reaction Cleanup...
dNTP Set and dNTP Mix, PCR Grade. For sensitive and reproducible PCR and RT-PCR. Kit contents: Qiagen dNTP Mix, PCR Grade, 800L, For Sensitive and...
QuantiTect SYBR(R) Green RT-PCR Kit. For one-step qRT-PCR using SYBR Green I for gene expression analysis. Kit contents: Qiagen QuantiTect SYBR Green RT-PCR...
QuantiTect Virus Kits. For highly sensitive detection of viral RNA and/or DNA. Kit contents: Qiagen QuantiTect Virus +ROX Vial Kit, 1000 x 50L rxns, Single...
PyroMark Q24 Accessories and Reagents. For optimal sample preparation and Pyrosequencing analysis using the PyroMark Q24. Kit contents: Nucleotides, enzyme,...
QIAGEN Multiplex PCR Plus Kit. For straightforward and successful multiplex PCR in advanced applications. Kit contents: Qiagen Multiplex PCR Plus Kit, 100 x...
FastLane Cell Probe Kit. For probe-based real-time one-step RT-PCR analysis from cultured cells without RNA purification. Kit contents: Qiagen FastLane Cell...
Buffer EB. For eluting nucleic acids. Kit contents: Qiagen Buffer EB, 250mL, For Eluting Nucleic Acid, Used as Elution Buffer when following Allprep,...