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Berthold Technologies Company Profile Berthold Technologies Company Profile Berthold Technologies Company Profile

Berthold Technologies

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Berthold Technologies offers a broad line of instruments for biomedical and plant research as well as drug discovery and diagnostics:

• multimode microplate readers
• microplate and tube luminometers
• microplate fluorometers
• ELISA readers
• in vivo imaging systems
• radio detectors for HPLC
• gamma counters

More than 60 years of proven and certified development and manufacturing practice, Berthold´s products are renowned for innovation, sensitivity, reliability and robustness guaranteeing high performance over a long life time.

With headquarters located in Bad Wildbad, Germany, Berthold Technologies is represented by worldwide sales and service organisations.

TriStar2 LB 942 Multimode Microplate Reader
TriStar2 LB 942 Multimode Microplate Reader
Berthold Technologies

The Even-More-Value-for-Money Multimode ReaderWith TriStar² the multi-technology microplate reader platform has developed into its second generation...

NightSHADE LB 985 in vivo Plant Imaging System
NightSHADE LB 985 in vivo Plant Imaging System
Berthold Technologies

The dedicated in vivo Plant ImagerNightSHADE LB 985 is a modular plant imaging system for monitoring luminescence and fluorescence in tissues, seedlings and...

NightOWL LB 983 in vivo Imaging System
NightOWL LB 983 in vivo Imaging System
Berthold Technologies

The pioneering in vivo Imager With the Luminograph Berthold Technologies introduced its first low light imaging instrument in 1989. The first in vivo gene...

Mithras LB 940 Multimode Microplate Reader
Mithras LB 940 Multimode Microplate Reader
Berthold Technologies

High Performance and Versatile Multilabel ReaderMithras LB 940 is a modular and reliable microplate multimode reader with outstanding performance. Renowned...

Lumat³ LB 9508 Single Tube Luminometer
Lumat³ LB 9508 Single Tube Luminometer
Berthold Technologies

Setting Standards for Tube LuminometersAlready in its 3rd generation the Lumat³ offers the functionality, versatility and superior performance you can...

Multi Crystal LB 2111 Gamma Counter
Multi Crystal LB 2111 Gamma Counter
Berthold Technologies

A robust workhorse for RIAThe Multi Crystal LB 2111 gamma counter is a compact, robust and easy-to-use instrument for most applications where gamma-emitting...

FlowStar LB 513 Radio Flow Detector for HPLC
FlowStar LB 513 Radio Flow Detector for HPLC
Berthold Technologies

The ultimate radio flow detectorThe FlowStar represents the latest improvements in an almost 50 years history of radio flow monitors used in liquid...

Centro XS³ LB 960 Microplate Luminometer
Centro XS³ LB 960 Microplate Luminometer
Berthold Technologies

The CentroXS³ LB 960 meets all currently known requirements for a versatile, robust and sensitive microplate luminometer. The reader supports all basic...

Centro LB 960 Microplate Luminometer
Centro LB 960 Microplate Luminometer
Berthold Technologies

The Centro LB 960 meets all currently known requirements for a versatile, robust and sensitive microplate luminometer. The reader supports all basic...

Twinkle LB 970 Microplate Fluorometer
Twinkle LB 970 Microplate Fluorometer
Berthold Technologies

The dedicated fluorometer is using an optimized design for a variety of measurement modes to support academic and pharmaceutical research centers.•...

NightSHADE LB 985
NightSHADE LB 985
Berthold Technologies

NightSHADE in vivo plant imagerFor plant research applications such as monitoring gene expression and circadian rhythm with Luciferase and GFP reporter...

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