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Simple, Versatile and Secure RAININ's New Electronic E4 XLS+(TM) Single and Multichannel Pipettes
Simple, Versatile and Secure RAININ's New Electronic E4 XLS+(TM) Single and Multichannel Pipettes
Anachem Ltd. a METTLER TOLEDO Company

Anachem is pleased to announce the launch of RAININ’s latest development in electronic pipetting, the E4 XLS+ single and multichannel pipettes. The RAININ electronic XLS+ family are the most technically and ergonomically advanced pipettes to date, which raise the bar on pipetting for both comfort and performance. The E4 XLS+ single channel pipettes feature state-of-the-art wet seals for stunningly smooth operation, corrosion-resistant tip ejectors and liquid ends...
New Rainin Pipet-Lite(TM) XLS+(TM) Manual Pipettes from Anachem
New Rainin Pipet-Lite(TM) XLS+(TM) Manual Pipettes from Anachem
Anachem Ltd. a METTLER TOLEDO Company

Rainin's New Pipet-lite XLS+ manual pipettes combine cutting-edge technology and innovation to deliver exceptionally high performance with extraordinary comfort and control. These new pipettes feature state-of-the-art wet seals for stunningly smooth operation, corrosion-resistant tip ejectors and liquid ends that can be autoclaved.  A redesigned liquid end provides a plunger stroke that is smooth, precise and requires less force than ever. Its perfect for pipetting...
Ensure Everyone in Your Lab is Pipetting Correctly with Anachem's Good Pipetting Practice Seminar Programme
Ensure Everyone in Your Lab is Pipetting Correctly with Anachem's Good Pipetting Practice Seminar Programme
Anachem Ltd. a METTLER TOLEDO Company

Anachem's Good Pipetting Practice programme covers a range of topics designed to ensure your team has the pipetting skills needed to produce consistent, reliable results. Drawing on Anachem’s and Rainin’s 40 years of expertise in liquid handling and pipette service, the Good Pipetting Practice seminar focuses on five key areas. These include Pipetting Ergonomics, the Evaluation & Selection of the Right Tools for Your Liquid Handling Work, Pipetting...
Reduce the Aches and Pains of Pipetting with Good Pipetting Posture – Request Your Free Poster from Anachem
Reduce the Aches and Pains of Pipetting with Good Pipetting Posture – Request Your Free Poster from Anachem
Anachem Ltd. a METTLER TOLEDO Company

Posture is at the center of almost every ergonomic programme that targets physical activities. Keeping work items within easy reach, holding objects close to your body and trying to avoid twisting and bending are some ways that can help you to maintain correct posture, which will help to reduce any aches and pains. Anachem's new Good Pipetting Posture poster displays the right and wrong ways to sit or stand when pipetting, helping you and the people in your lab to relieve...
Rainin LTS Pipette Swap Out – Free Pipettes, No Catch, No Cost
Rainin LTS Pipette Swap Out – Free Pipettes, No Catch, No Cost
Anachem Ltd. a METTLER TOLEDO Company

Wouldn't it be great if you could just swap all of your old pipettes for the latest ergonomic pipetting technology available? Well, now you can with Anachem's New Rainin LTS Swap Out Programme. Where's the catch? Well there just simply isn't one. By signing up to the Anachem LTS Swap Out Scheme you can benefit from the latest pipetting technology in the new Rainin Pipet-Lite XLS pipettes, fixed consumable costs for two years and no pipette servicing costs for the first...
The Ultimate Ergonomic Pipetting Experience
The Ultimate Ergonomic Pipetting Experience
Anachem Ltd. a METTLER TOLEDO Company

Rainin's Electronic E4 XLS+ Multichannel PipettesThe XLS™+ manual and electronic multichannels are Rainin's latest development in ergonomic pipetting; Anachem is pleased to announce the launch of this new pipetting family. The XL™S+ family is Rainin's most technically and ergonomically advanced multichannel to date, raising the bar on multichannel pipetting for both comfort and performance. They are balanced and substantial, with a fit, feel and finish that is...
Introducing the New Rainin XLS+ Multichannels from Anachem The Next Generation in Ergonomic Pipetting
Introducing the New Rainin XLS+ Multichannels from Anachem The Next Generation in Ergonomic Pipetting
Anachem Ltd. a METTLER TOLEDO Company

Since 2000, Rainin have been the innovators in ergonomic pipetting developing hand-friendly pipettes with reduced pipetting forces to help you reduce or even eliminate your risk of developing a Repetitive Strain Injury. And now, Anachem is pleased to announce the launch of Rainin’s latest development in ergonomic pipetting, the XLS+ manual and electronic Multichannels. The XLS®+ pipettes are Rainin’s most technically and ergonomically advanced multichannels...
Learn how to Reduce Your Risk of RSI with Anachem’s Good Pipetting Practice Ergonomics Seminar
Learn how to Reduce Your Risk of RSI with Anachem’s Good Pipetting Practice Ergonomics Seminar
Anachem Ltd. a METTLER TOLEDO Company

Pipetting for just over an hour a day over the course of a year is enough to put you at risk of developing a Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), and these risks increase with workload and age. This is a serious risk for many scientists, as it is often an unavoidable daily activity for many of you. Anachem offers an Ergonomics Training seminar to help you gain a good understanding and reduce your risk of developing a RSI related injury. All aspects of pipetting ergonomics are...
The Ergonomics of Pipetting White Paper – Get the Knowledge to Protect Yourself
The Ergonomics of Pipetting White Paper – Get the Knowledge to Protect Yourself
Anachem Ltd. a METTLER TOLEDO Company

Pipetting is a forceful and repetitive activity, and it is now widely accepted that there is a strong association between pipetting forces and the occurrence of developing Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI's). In fact, pipetting for just over an hour a day over the course of a year is enough to put you at risk, and these risks tend to increase with workload and age. But for most scientists pipetting is an unavoidable daily task, so reducing or even preventing your risk of...
Reduce Your Pipetting Stress at No Extra Cost
Reduce Your Pipetting Stress at No Extra Cost
Anachem Ltd. a METTLER TOLEDO Company

Many scientists have been lead to believe that Rainin LTS LiteTouch System Pipettes and Tips are more expensive than universal pipetting systems. This is not the case and believing this could put your health at risk. The Rainin LTS LiteTouch System was first introduced by Anachem Ltd to the UK Life Science market in 1999, it was the first new tip and shaft design for over 30 years. LTS was introduced with the launch of the Rainin EDP3 Electronic pipette, the range expanded...
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