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Forensic Laboratory

Forensic Laboratory
VW-9000 High-speed Microscope
VW-9000 High-speed Microscope
KEYENCE Corporation

The VW Series High-Speed Microscope is ideal for users that require high-speed imaging but also need the functionality of a microscope for other inspection...

Multi-Excitation Confocal Raman Microscope
Multi-Excitation Confocal Raman Microscope
BaySpec, Inc.

The newly developed NomadicTM from BaySpec, Inc. is the only dispersive Raman microscope simultaneously equipped with three laser excitations from the...

MultiSpec Spectrometer system series
MultiSpec Spectrometer system series

Spectrometer system series for measuring absorption/transmission, reflection, concentration color, thin-film thickness, fluorescence in the laboratory or...

13% off the Easypet 3 pipette controller
13% off the Easypet 3 pipette controller

Use promo code EASY3 to receive 13% off and FREE shipping!Experience a new dimension of electronic pipetting with the NEW Easypet 3 pipette controller. The...

HIG-1300 7693A-Diplomat ALS solution for Agilent 5890 6890 7890 GC
HIG-1300 7693A-Diplomat ALS solution for Agilent 5890 6890 7890 GC
Horizon Instrument Group, LLC

Our company is an Agilent© OEM bundling its Diplomat and Integration technologies with the Agilent 7693A auto sampler products to provide a seamless ALS...

Protocol Labacus software package
Protocol Labacus software package
Abacalab, Inc.

The Protocol Labacus software package manages procedures for people who work in mobile environments - labs, clinics, agriculture and environmental...

CaptairFlex ductless filter fume hood
CaptairFlex ductless filter fume hood
Erlab, Inc.

CaptairFlex ductless filtering fume hoods are a safety device used to protect users when handling chemicals that pose an inhalation risk. One product, many...

CBEx Handheld Raman System
CBEx Handheld Raman System
Snowy Range Instruments

Snowy Range Instruments® (SnRI) introduces CBEx, the smallest chemical, biological and explosive identification system available. Built on a decade of...

SCI-FAB - Safe Industrial Ice & Water Dispensing
SCI-FAB - Safe Industrial Ice & Water Dispensing
Kloppenberg and Company

PACKAGE FEATURES• Ice Dispenser 50031” W x 73.5” T x 57.5” D500 lb capacity110V power• Ice‐O‐Matic 500T Ice Maker600 lbs per...

EnSpectr R532 Raman & Luminescent Analyzer
EnSpectr R532 Raman & Luminescent Analyzer
Enhanced Spectrometry Inc.

EnSpectr R532® is a unique instrument that combines the advantage of a portable probe system with the performance of a highly specified laboratory...

VERSA 10 Automated Liquid Handling Workstation
VERSA 10 Automated Liquid Handling Workstation
Aurora Biomed Inc

The VERSA 10 addresses the needs of research groups requiring high throughput liquid handling automation from a small bench top workstation. By combining an...

UltraLab Premium Plasticware
UltraLab Premium Plasticware
Quality Environmental Containers

QEC's line of premium HDPE and Polypropylene (PP) containers.When demanding conditions require plasticware that's a notch or two above lab grade, QEC's...

Sample Master® iLIMS
Sample Master® iLIMS

Leveraging open architecture and comprehensive automation for laboratories of any size, Sample Master LIMS accelerates accurate reporting, multiplies...

X-Calibur PD / SDD / LE Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer
X-Calibur PD / SDD / LE Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer
Xenemetrix Ltd.

Xenemetrix’s X-calibur Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer offers the most convenient price/performance solution in the market...

Bransonic digital ultrasonic bath (CPX series)
Bransonic digital ultrasonic bath (CPX series)
Branson Ultrasonics Corp.

Bransonic digital ultrasonic bath (CPX series) delivers greatly enhanced functionality and versatility. Technological advances provide for self-adjusting,...

ElvaX Light SDD Spectrometer
ElvaX Light SDD Spectrometer
Elvatech, Ltd.

ElvaX Light SDDSpectrometeris a desktop energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) analyzer with extended element range from Na (Z=11) to U (Z=92). The...

NanoPhotometer® P-Class
NanoPhotometer® P-Class
Implen, Inc.

Small. Fast. Accurate.The NanoPhotometer® P-Class is an All-in-One spectrophotometer with proven micro volume (0.3μl) and cuvette performance....

Slide Drying Bench
Slide Drying Bench
Bibby Scientific

The Slide Drying Bench aids in the preparation of microscope slides at the specimen mounting stage. It complements both the Paraffin Wax Dispenser and the...

Paraffin Section Mounting Bath
Paraffin Section Mounting Bath
Bibby Scientific

The Paraffin Section Mounting Bath is designed to assist with the handling of paraffin wax samples in histology and pathology laboratories. It is essentially...

Paraffin Wax Dispenser
Paraffin Wax Dispenser
Bibby Scientific

The Paraffin Wax Dispenser heats wax to a liquid state and provides convenient "wax on tap" for histology and pathology laboratories. The Paraffin Wax...

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