QIAamp Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit. For isolation of free-circulating DNA and RNA from human plasma or serum. Kit contents: Qiagen QIAamp Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit, 50 preps, 1 to 5mL Sample, 20 to 150L Elution Volume, Serum, Plasma Sample, Free-circulating DNA, RNA and miRNA, Viral DNA, Viral RNA Purification, QIAamp Mini Column Format, Silica Technology, For Isolation of Free-circulating DNA and RNA from Human Plasma or Serum, Includes QIAamp Mini Columns, 20mL Tube Extenders, Qiagen Proteinase K, Carrier RNA, Buffers, VacConnectors and 1.5mL and 2mL Collection Tubes. Benefits: Concentration of nucleic acids, with high input and low elution volumes. Efficient recovery of fragmented DNA and RNA. No organic extraction or ethanol precipitation. Removal of contaminants and inhibitors