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Rotarty Cell Culture System (RCCS) ™
Rotarty Cell Culture System (RCCS) ™
Synthecon, Incorporated

The Rotary Cell Culture System ™ (RCCS) is a unique system that provides a low turbulence, low shear culture environment for 3-dimensional cell and...

Thomas Digital ED-5 Wiley® Mill
Thomas Digital ED-5 Wiley® Mill
Thomas Scientific

The shearing action of the ED-5 Wiley Mill results from steel knives on a revolving shaft working against knives bolted onto the circumference of the cutting...

SureCount™ Particle Count Standards
SureCount™ Particle Count Standards
Polysciences, Inc

SureCount™ Particle Count Standards are suspensions of polymer microspheres intended for the validation and monitoring of particle counters and...

Image-Pro Insight - image acquisition, processing, and measurement software
Image-Pro Insight - image acquisition, processing, and measurement software
Media Cybernetics

Image-Pro Insight image acquisition, processing, and measurement software, offers a wide range of tools for capturing and analyzing images. Unlike most...

Acton LS 785 Spectrograph
Acton LS 785 Spectrograph
Princeton Instruments

The Acton Series LS 785 provides a significant advantage in acquisition time and spatial integrity in demanding Raman imaging applications. Combined with...

Cell Metric
Cell Metric
Solentim Ltd

Cell Metric is the premier system for clone detection in plates and flasks for groups doing FACS cloning or limiting dilution cloning. It is a brightfield,...

Orofacial Stimulation Test
Orofacial Stimulation Test
Ugo Basile

The Orofacial Stimulation Test by Ugo Basile measures hypersensitivity to thermal or mechanical stimulation of the trigeminal area.Rats voluntarily contact a...

SampleNavigator Biobanking LIMS Software
SampleNavigator Biobanking LIMS Software

SampleNavigator is the Software Solution every Biobank needs for composing and feeding a repository Biobank. It manages and controls sample preparation and...

Incubator Shakers
Incubator Shakers
Amerex Instruments, Inc.

The SteadyShake™ 757 (18"W x 19"D) and slightly larger 757L (20.5"W x 25.5"D) are economical and compact benchtop incubator shakers. The 757 can...

Zetasizer range of systems
Zetasizer range of systems
Malvern Instruments

Malvern Instruments’ Zetasizer series offers the optimum characterization system for your protein applications. Able to measure particle and molecular...

IX81-ZDC2 Z-Drift Compensation Microscopy System
IX81-ZDC2 Z-Drift Compensation Microscopy System
Olympus Europa Holding GmbH

The inverted IX81-ZDC2 Z-Drift compensation microscopy system ensures that your samples are always in focus. Two modes, continuous and...

PrimeSTAR GXL DNA Polymerase and PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase
PrimeSTAR GXL DNA Polymerase and PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase
Clontech Laboratories (Takara brand)

PrimeSTAR GXL DNA Polymerase provides high yield, high specificity, and high accuracy for not only standard reactions, but also excels in PCR with GC-rich...

5µl BladeCell™ disposable cuvettes
5µl BladeCell™ disposable cuvettes
Avid Nano Ltd

5µl BladeCell™ disposable cuvettes from Avid Nano improve dynamic light scattering (DLS) sample preparation time by a factor of 8 compared to...

Albumin (serum), Haptoglobin and Prealbuist Protein Analysermin now on SPAPLUS - Special
Albumin (serum), Haptoglobin and Prealbuist Protein Analysermin now on SPAPLUS - Special
Binding Site

Three new assays have been added to the menu on Binding Site’s SPAPLUS Specialist Protein Analyser: Albumin serum, haptoglobin and prealbumin...

Psoriasis skin, blood and matched normal skin
Psoriasis skin, blood and matched normal skin
Tissue Solutions

Tissue Solutions offers you the chance to obtain via customised collection skin, blood and matched normal skin from psoriasis donors.

mosquito® HV
mosquito® HV
TTP LabTech

The NEW mosquito® HV extends TTP LabTech’s accurate nanolitre liquid handling portfolio to intermediate volumes (500nL–5µL). This...

AE2000 Inverted Microscope
AE2000 Inverted Microscope

Motic’s new AE2000 Inverted Microscope is designed for routine live cell inspection with an easy and flexible set up, ideal for University,...

DataPaq™ Cryorack Scanner
DataPaq™ Cryorack Scanner
Ziath Ltd

The Ziath Cryorack scanner decodes the 2D barcodes on tubes in a 9x9 or 10x10 cryobox.It takes two cryoboxes, is easy to set up, has a robust design and...

NightSHADE LB 985
NightSHADE LB 985
Berthold Technologies

NightSHADE in vivo plant imagerFor plant research applications such as monitoring gene expression and circadian rhythm with Luciferase and GFP reporter...

AB-3G Nitrogen Generator
AB-3G Nitrogen Generator
Peak Scientific

Nitrogen gas generator for LC/MS12 l/min @ 5.52 bar (0.42 CFM @ 80 psi) | AB-3G Our new Genius range of Gas Generators is smoother, quieter, safer and more...

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