ORION NanoFab is a 3-in-1 multibeam ion microscope for sub-10nm nanostructuring with speed and precision. ORION NanoFab is the only system in the world that covers the complete range of micromachining to nanomachining applications using gallium, neon and helium ion beams integrated in a single instrument.
Use neon and helium ion beams to create delicate sub-10 nanometer structures that demand extremely high machining fidelity.
Whether your application is material removal using sputtering, gas induced etching or deposition or lithography, ORION NanoFab excels in sub-10 nm fabrication with speed and ease.
With imaging resolution of 0.5 nm, ORION NanoFab generates high resolution images of your sample in the same instrument that you used for fabrication.
Gain new insights with images that have 5 to 10 times greater depth of field when compared to images acquired with FE-SEMs.
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